Quote Originally Posted by Geeksthenewsexy View Post
Could be that Myriad is better off paralyzed. If she explodes herself trying to snatch magical things, you'll both need to find a new way back out of the interdimensional plane-ship. :-p
Quote Originally Posted by remetagross View Post
I'm having a half a mind to stash her in my haversack, just for that purpose :D
Quote Originally Posted by Geeksthenewsexy View Post
A bag of people-holding would be pretty neat for this party. Yall could stash your skeleton key when there is a risk of her being ganked, and she could stash yall so that it would be easier to portal-hop when necessary.

Set up an Envelopting Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159), which is 10' wide and 50' deep (which is much better than a portable hole's 6'x10' and 16,400gp cheaper)
Well, the portable hole does have one benefit, though: Delja already owns one. That said, she'd never ever let Myriad into it, lest the damn changeling find a way to create one of those Astral Rifts inside somehow.