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Thread: Hilarious things you've found in RAW?

  1. - Top - End - #478
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Hilarious things you've found in RAW?

    Quote Originally Posted by Promethean View Post

    The equation for magic items squares the value. A square is a literal exponent.
    Exponential means that the variable is in the exponent. For the equation to count as exponential, it would have to be 2x, not x2.

    Edit: To give an example why exponential growth is bad (at least in this context), let's look at a table:

    x x2 2x
    1 1 2
    2 4 4
    3 9 8
    4 16 16
    5 25 32
    6 36 64
    7 49 128
    8 64 256
    9 81 512
    10 100 1024

    Sooner, rather than later, an exponential function will overtake anything else.