Quote Originally Posted by Xihirli View Post
Val was holding her horse’s reins outside in the rain.
"Tomorrow!?" she called into the tavern.
"The girl could be dead by then!"
As the barmaid stood at the window of the tavern, her face was illuminated by the bright flashes of lightning that lit up the sky. She pointed out at the storm with a worried look on her face, turning to the group of travelers gathered at the bar. "You'll want to be careful out there," she said, her voice filled with concern. "It's not safe to be out in this weather, especially in the White Forest. That place is treacherous enough on a good day, but with a storm like this? It's downright dangerous." The patrons of the Eagle Tavern looked out at the storm, unsure of what to do. They had been planning on making their way through the White Forest to rescue the miller's daughter, but now they were having second thoughts.