Across the Shinobi Nations: 24 hours with Ami Akaisuna
Ami does not awake, for she has yet to fall asleep. The One Tailed Tanuki whispers to her:
<Oi, Another day the sun rises, another day your will erodes. How long until finally give in to sweet relaxation?>
Once again, she ignores the temptation. She has a bed, but never uses it for sleeping. Its only there to fool anyone who comes into her room that she is normal, essentially being decoration or a makeshift soft table. She had been waiting time for dawn and now was time for breakfast at the Akaisuna household- the clan of the Kazekage.

At breakfast, she drinks some coffee despite the inevitable heat of the desert, energizing herself to make up for her eternal tiredness. Sleep was denied her, so caffeine became her constant companion.

Morning Training:
She shows up in the morning to her team to begin her day training, but as always she feels so tired, even with the caffeine energy. She wasn't as far along her training as she should be, but that just makes sense, doesn't it? She had a duty to uphold. Fall asleep, and that unleashes that One Tails. How could she possibly make any progress, when she fights to remain awake each day? She would have to be a genius to become good at any sand techniques at this rate.

She eats a lunch with her team, long with more coffee in a bottle she kept to keep it hot. Despite the heat, she drinks it all. She needed to keep her energy up, especially in the desert where the heat could make one lazy, make one lethargic. Despite the caffeine, she moves just as normally as ever, just as quiet as ever, just as shy. No amount of caffeine replaces a good night's rest.

She tries to do her D-ranks in the village as normal, and as always despite her shy and quiet nature, she ends up snapping at people, ends up being crabby and irritable because she has been awake for YEARS and has not gotten a single wink. But she still, she tried to keep herself under control. As best she can. Because she is a good girl. Because its her duty to keep it contained. Its all for the greater good, even as she busies herself to try and distract herself with whatever meaningless chore or job needs doing like sweeping out the sand from a home or helping building a rock house. Anything to keep moving, to keep working, to keep herself aware.

Dinner is as always, awkward. Oh sure it was full of pleasantries and politeness and the family talked about the workings of the village, sharing the gossip, the politics of the day, and so on and so forth, all to keep their pulse on Sunagakure's heart. But they always are nervous and a little awkward about talking to her. She knows why. She is the jinchuuriki after all. And she is not allowed to be mad because its family, its an important duty after all, only the best and greatest ninja get the most important duties after all, which means she is already a great ninja according to them, shouldn't she be happy they say, she will only become greater one day they say, shouldn't she be happy with that, SHOULDN'T SHE!? She drinks more coffee with a big meal. It would be last time today, and she would have to go in for the long haul.
<You can always take your revenge- just go to sleep and I will take care of the rest. You won't even have to see any of it, just let your mind drift off into peace.>
The Tanuki whispers to her. She ignores it, as always.

After dinner, she plays board games with whoever is willing to play with her: Shogi, Go, Senet, Mahjong, other games of that nature. It mattered not if she won or lost, just that her mind, though sleep-deprived was kept occupied, distracted from the real problem. Distracted from the need to shut down. But she was getting skilled at thinking strategically nonetheless. She was becoming one of the best strategy game players in the Akaisuna family, maybe second only to the Kazekage himself.

Everyone else went to sleep. She did not. This was the hardest part: to endure once again, about nine hours of darkness with only the Tanuki's whispers as company. She turns on the radio to the midnight station- no one came to shut off the music. They long stopped trying to make the jinchuuriki not play music in the night- there is a reason why she inherited a soundproof room far away from where everyone else sleeps in the compound. While she listens, she cracks open a novel to read. Constant reading during the has made her long ago exhaust all the good highly recommended fiction and stories that one could give her- she had a near unlimited budget when it came to purchasing more books, so of course she now reads through the mediocre, the bad, the trashy, the unknowns, the obscure and the bizarre. It mattered not if she liked the book or not, just that she was occupied with it. She had taken to making snarky comments at all the bad plot points, even making reviews of each story she read, just to give her mind extra to not drift off into sleep.
<This is unhealthy for you, you know. You have to sleep someday.>
Of course, this time was also the Tanuki whispered to her the most. The time tempted her with her own bed while she sat upon an intentionally uncomfortably made stone stool. He'd sing lullabies and make up elaborate descriptions of the tranquility and relaxation of just closing her eyes.....and taking a break for a while....intentionally slowing his words, making them smooth. All to better offer that sweet, sweet temptation of rest. It was all manipulation, all a ploy so he could come out. A constant mental siege that like a fortress, she must wait out. She wonders how long she could hold. The Tanuki is ever patient, he never seems to be angry no matter how much she resists. He is patient, she could feel it. Like a predator waiting for the right time to pounce, patiently pursuing his prey until it falls behind the herd.
<Oi, oi, oi. I know for a fact that you cannot do this forever. The Jinchuuriki before you had the same problem.>
She would staunchly and stubborn ignore these comments as well, continuing to distract herself in other worlds to escape her own. But sometimes, very occasionally during the night, she'd make a snarky comment and the One-Tailed Tanuki would make a follow up joke at the bad plot she was reading, forgetting himself for a moment and joining in on the criticism of it. Every time she pointed it out he immediately would retract it and begin trying to manipulate her again. There was a chink in the armor of the beast. It wasn't enough for her to like or befriend it, but it was enough to let her know that it was imperfect, that it could be distracted, tricked, that it was something much like a person and not just a force of destruction. And if it was a person, it could be beaten, perhaps outwitted no matter how improbable that was. She just had to figure out how. Soon enough, the darkness beings to lighten as the sun begins to rise again on Sunagakure.

Ami does not awake, for she has yet to fall asleep. The one tailed Tanuki whispers to her...

White Oni: Contemplate Options
The White Oni awaits on a rooftop high rooftop overlooking the Daimyo's palace? Manor? wind ruffling through his dark clothes and breaking upon his pure white oni mask. This was a minor nation, a minor conflict in the grand scheme of things. Perfect. The less people investigating this the better, and the less competent they were, the better. Statistically, most people didn't even look up, even soldiers when they patrol. If any of them did, its not as if seeing him would help them. Is not as if fighting him, would help anyone. Given the lives he has already taken, whats a few more if it comes to that? His cause was greater than any one person.
"Let see....what are my options?" he says to himself. "Twelve in total. Vengeance obsessed brat? No. The Coward? No. The Long-eared brat? .....No. I think will allow myself some standards for once and not inflict anything upon the disabled or the mute. The Wannabe Anbu? Hm. Maybe, she is of sounder mind, but may be too passive. Though the bone-brat....perhaps the bloodline will allow for better compatibility? Hm. Definitely something to consider. The Bat child...Hm, I think not, too weak willed. The The, too focused on her own issues, on competing. All thats left Not sure which one of those two are worse. One must make do with what they have. Though....they both have.....Potential. Yes. is one thing to have Potential.

It entirely is another to have the Resolve and the Fortune to realize it."

He disappears from the rooftop with a body flicker. He will see whether the kami favors them soon enough.