((*Beymar and Emiralk come out and shoos werewolf conversation out of thread*

There's here's Ye Olde West.

We shoot wolves.

We use the silver bullets...

Coors Light?

WHAT?...arrrgh. *Storms away*


And now for you regularly scheduled update....))

*Scene In – Van Der Decken’s Farm*

The sounds of the Decken farmland are quiet. In fact, the only audible noises are the low whispers of bandits creeping onto the property.

Is it set, is it ready?
I think so. Let’s go.

The sounds of feet on the wooden porch are heard, and then the creak as the doorway opens. Inside, a slight snoring of one Captain Van Der Decken is moving through the cabin.

Okay, got it. Grab that off the mantle. Let’s go.

You hear the footsteps on the porch once again.

Start it up, let’s go.
Hold the loot while I read the ignition sequence real quick…okay, step one, turn verulium diode to 3.147….step two, turn starter switch to on….step three, tap capacitor swi

The night sky lights up, and the noise of turbines is heard. The townspeople head outside and look to the source, off in the distance the Van Der Decken farm. They see a shimmer in the night, it appears to be coming closer. A howling scream of terror grows louder with the approaching object. As the object quickly closes the gap, you begin to make out what it is, or in this case, who. Faerwain approaches at a speed faster then the trains. His whips by where you are standing, the air rushes past you. Your eyes follow his wheelchair as the treads leave tracks of fire. His race down main street is short lived, as he crashes into the town water tower.

A parachute opens after the crash.

As the crowd gather around, the scene tells the tale all too well. Written upon the parachute is the following message.

Take your frabjulitulity and mictifarcate this on your gilltooney! Oh yeah, and I hope you enjoy the re-wiring job…

An NPC looks closer at the wheelchair.

Hey, isn’t this that thing Doc. Brown had taken from him, that flux capacitor or something?

Why sure it is, the name is written there on the side.

Hey look, it’s another one of the town’s gold bars.

Well that would mean that…Faerwain was one of the bandits.

Van Der Decken runs up to the town at this point.

What happened? Where’d my money go? Where’s my famous painting.

Which painting?

The one that says Long Live the 4th Degree of course.

The other bandits must have taken it…

Captain Van Der Decken was robbed. The bandits took 3 gold and the 4th Degree.

The Outlaws killed Faerwain. Faerwain was Slippery Sam, the Bandit Devil.

Status – Bandits currently have 21 of the towns 27 total remaining coins. They are at 78% (85% to win)

It’s getting down to the wire, but it’s still anyone’s game…….Day Begins! Day will end, due to scheduling with mother’s day, Monday at high noon. You have 72 hours.