Quote Originally Posted by blademaster42 View Post
1. Samurai are bound to a lord. That's a serious restriction that ninjas will never have. Ninjas are free to go where they want and do what they want. eat that.
A Lord has it's ups and downs. True undieng loyalty can be a burden, but in the end you have civil diplomacy that cannot be rivaled. Being a soldier to The Emperor pretty much garantees you free stays at the holiday inn, slashed prices on goods and services, and the cooperation and trust of everyone in the land. A ninja could not publicaly kill you without causing a riot, not is he or she entitled to any of your bennefits.

And a ninja still has to respect his clients. Ninja are assassins. Therefore if they want to get payed they do have to show atleast a neutral amount of repsect for those that hire them...

2. Ninjas aren't only trained with shuriken and stealth, they are taught swordplay as well. And, they use ancient techniques tht help with precognition to make it easier for them to dodge.
Samurai aren't just Japanease knights y'know.. they were taught many weapons..

Mounted Combat
Even some biological warfare, they invented the first nerve gas by using hotbell peppers and wrapping them in a bag like substance and shooting them like slingshots!

3. Batman is definitely a ninja and he whoops more butt then anyone. Zorro is also [I]kind of[I] a ninja, but not overwhelmingly so. Taki is just a chick in tight spandex and mitsurugi is ronin, so he don't count.
Batman may be ninja but Batman also gets the power of jobbing. (Wolverine lives off of it) Jobbing is the comicbook ability to beat someone way out of your league simply by plot device.

Zorro is a pirate through and through. A skirmish heavy, Spainsh pirate. Perhaps a bit more intelligent and stealthy then most pirates, but a pirate none the less.

4. Ninjas do have honor. Not a lot, but some. For instance, once they take a contract, they won't accept bribes from the poor sap.
Because ninja are not stupid, they can't afford to lose the trust of thier clients or it could mean death (or starvation). Ninja follow the rule of what best serves them and them alone.

The Koga's not trying to say samurai are better then ninja, but there's alot more to the argument then simply "samurai are big dumb doody heads who follow strict codes of honor"

That's how people managed to ruin the totally awesome D&D class the paladin.