Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
I was, admittedly, 100% unfamiliar with Xiao from Genshin Impact... so I googled it. Saw it was a game.
Went to youtube - watched "Short Suffering" (I think it's called?) to get an idea - and it shows the scene you mentioned.
So with that in mind...
I moved forward.
I go a bit into some lore in the beginning to set up the character...
I hope you enjoy!
I'd love to hear feedback - good or bad - if it works or doesn't (and if doesn't, why not? Maybe I can rewrite that part to make it fit?) - tell me what you liked or didn't like.
It all helps me. Which is why I do these challenges.
It also helps keep the thread bumped and alive and provides visibility to others.

The hatred between Elf and Orc has run since the age of gods.

Gruumsh, god of the orcs, bore a seething hatred for all elven gods – especially Corellon, creator of the Elves, whom he had waged many wars again – and lost. This urge to fight and slay, especially elves, was infused into the genetic make-up of the orcs in the world. Even amongst the gods, did many fear and respect the bloodthirsty rage of Gruumsh, but Corellon never heeded the warnings.

When the gods gathered around the world and staked their claim; Gruumsh quickly realized each land was taken, mountains by dwarves, hills by halflings, deserts by humans, forests by elves; he grew furious and pierced the land and shouted that orcs would adapt and dwell everywhere and be infused with the desire to reclaim the world as their own.

My name is Illunius, and long have I faithfully followed Corellon as his weapon and his warrior against the darkness that would seek to reclaim that which has long been the home to the elves. I come from a long line of other Paladins of Corellon; my father before me, who instilled in me all that is right and just. He showed me how to hold a shield and swing a weapon. He was there when the time came for me to take the first orc life I would ever take. My grandmother before him was also a Paladin of Corellon, and she was proud of what she stood for. Her strength was more than just physical. The way she stood, the way she looked, when she entered the room, without uttering a word, she commanded the presence of all who beheld her; and for generations before her, my family has always had someone who bore the crest of Corellon and fought for his light.

For generations, just as the orcs had been infused to strike at all before them – especially elves – had my family been infused with the light, the passion, and the calling to fight those very forces.

Since I was young, I have walked the walls of this city, buried deep in the woods. Since I was young, I have rushed out, with others like me, to defend the land from orcs, and other beasts that would dare seek to harm those beyond the walls.

Since I was young, I have seen death. I’ve watched the vile orcs die; stuck on the end of my blade, the life draining from their eyes. Some of them, there have had anger to the end. Some of them, I’ve seen regret and fear, as the shadow of death comes for them.

Still, there was never mercy to be given. They threaten my home, my family, and my friends. I’ve seen companions who have faithfully followed Corellon die next to me, hearts pierced by crude weapons, forged in hatred.

Since I was young, I have defended these walls. It has been over three hundred years now; a never ending bloodshed from the never ending enemies that rush these walls to bring their shadow and evil into a place of light and love.

Three hundred years of this and it has changed me. I became detached at the task at hand; my blade moved and cleaved without emotion, without thought, like a leaf falling from the tree. My body moved to simply kill. When there was no enemy, I was inside the walled city, a prisoner to the darkness that grew around my soul, like infection weeds in a dying garden, choking the light and bringing in the slithering darkness.

The light of my soul was fading. Even the morning sun began to hurt my eyes. I longed for the night shift, so I could walk under the watch of the pale moon’s light. It’d been such a night, when I cast my eyes towards the one moon that lingered in the night sky, her bright light shining down on me. No stars were seen that night, as if they’d all fled or been devoured by darkness. As I continued to stare at the moon it seemed to get closer or I was floating towards it. Suddenly the lack of stars began to become more noticeable – and the one moon changed to an eye – an eye that never sleeps. Gruumsh!

My eyes snapped open and the moon’s light was still there, but the stars returned, flickering. I stood and shook my head, making my way back to my home. It was there, as I gazed into the reflection of a pool of water, I took notice.

It was not just that the sunlight had begun to bother me; but my once, golden hair, that shined bright like the sun, had lost its color – it was now deathly grey-white, like the moon. My skin, now almost grey in color – the life, drained from me. I had stopped being a light for Corellon and had simply surrendered to the never ending hatred, war and blood. I’ve lost my way into the shadows and darkness.

I needed to get out. I needed to get away.

Since I was young, I have fought in an endless war.

And it has cost me my soul.
Having backtracked through this thread, I knew you worked quickly, but it still surprised me that you were able to come up with all of this within a day. Truthfully, I was searching for guides about making an oathbreaker paladin when I stumbled upon this thread, and having read the first of your works, I immediately made an account to hop on in.

As for the backstory, I'm unfamiliar with the lore about elves and orcs in D&D, but I am a fan of Lord of the Rings; did you take inspiration from that? Overall, this was an interesting read, and I very much enjoyed what you've written for Illunius.

Thank you very much!