White Oni:
She is intelligent and not entirely fooled. Not unexpected. Smart was good anyways, allowed her to see the big picture, allowed her to be curious, things he can use. Sassy as well. But that was a good sign. If she can joke amid this, that is a good sign she is not giving up. But he can't show any of this. He must commit to the act he is playing, ignore the heckling for the sake of the act. His blade bounces off the bones with his initial strike
"Your stolen power will not save you, behold! Chakra Flow: Bone-Breaking Blade!"
He channels more chakra into his bokken and in a flurry of strikes, shatters the bones she creates to shards.
"Your first hope was been shattered. Your second will be just as futile."
He aims another bokken blow at her to cause pain.

She leaps away from the blade, not even daring to touch it. Anything with heat was dangerous, especially to her paper release. She doesn't know exactly what it is, but even Fire release was bad enough. She draws her Origami-No-Tsurugi nonetheless. There was no room for boasting here, she knew this could be a bad matchup.
"Paper Release: Paper Shuriken!"
She calls firing a few paper shuriken from her blade, at first seemingly badly aimed as they go too far left to hit him- then she will use chakra control to make them curve to attack from the side then make a release hand sign to make them explode with the explosive seals folded within.