Quote Originally Posted by theangelJean View Post
... I'm clearly going to have to educate myself on this erroneous argument (the better to argue against it) because I don't even follow the logic. Maybe it's just because my starting point is "biological sex is itself a spectrum" and I don't know where to even go from the opposite point of view, but I have no idea how they get from there to "gender doesn't exist".

Any tips on where to start reading? Sources that dissect the argument would be even better.
I'm not really sure where to even begin there (the idea that men and women are immutable categories just sort of appeared in the Victorian era, so it's not as if anyone needed to invent it in the 20th century); it's hard to argue the logic in an illogical argument, even to play devil's advocate. I'd recommend Whipping Girl by Julia Serano for the history of trans positive feminism, and how it interacted with trans exclusive feminist movements.