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Thread: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiLiu View Post
    I think the assessment is mostly right. I'm not sure a desire to cling to binary sex caused them to be gender abolitionists or whatevs, though.
    There are different schools of thought that can lead to the same place, and the issue is complicated by the fact that bigots are quick to reach out for whatever argument happens to be handy because their primary aims like "I want to firmly support ingroup/outgroup roles" and "I like punching down" tend not to gain much support/validation/traction if stated plainly. So you can have one person making a good faith, internally consistent and yet ultimately wrong argument about how gender is arbitrary and artificial and transitioning supports the gender binary. That position doesn't necessarily say anything about another person who rails against "intruders in women's spaces".
    Last edited by Anymage; 2023-02-02 at 03:54 PM.