Spoiler: Sequel Trilogy
I am about in the middle of this. I liked what TFA implied about Snoke: that he was a more "enlightened" kind of Dark Sider who treated his underlings with respect rather than being pointlessly cruel. Less like a second Sidious and more like an evil Yoda. So I didn't like the way TLJ characterizes him as an extremely powerful bully. But I really liked that he was killed off, as Kylo Ren was the more interesting villain, and I felt that cemented him as the true Big bad and insured that we wouldn't have a repeat of Vader's last minute redemption by turning against his master and then dying.

And then TRoS happened.

Still, I think that, as the movie that killed off Snoke, TLJ should have given him a backstory, since Abrams couldn't be arsed to.