Anonymouswizard, Rodin:
Spoiler: Force Awakens trilogy
I actually like both Snoke and Palpatine as villains in the film trilogy.

As for Snoke, we don't learn much about him from Force Awakens, he's only characterized well in The Last Jedi. But unlike AnonymousWizard, I think Snoke appearing mostly as a hologram does strengthen his characterization. Snoke is shown to be very well informed, learning about remote events quicker than his underlings find out about this. And not only does he gather information remotely, he also manhandles his underlings remotely, but in a more subtle way than Darth Vader does. If Snoke knows everything and can direct everything remotely then he doesn't need to be present where the action happens most of the time, so appearing as a hologram makes sense.

I agree that Snoke is more civilized and subtle. In the original trilogy, Darth Vader was the rough guy who uses brute force, while Tarkin and Palpatine stand as his foil, being capable of presenting a more subtle face for the Empire. Snoke's underlings Hux and Phasma can't serve that role well, so Snoke has to be the one who can be subtle and devious when manipulating Kylo Ren and Rey. All this characterization then pays off when Snoke saves Princess Leia from long distance, presumably with the intent that Kylo Ren should kill him. This even works as a nice mirror with Darth Vader: Vader chokes the rebel Captain Antilles to death, while Snoke saves the rebel Princess Leia from asphyxiation.

With all these antics, the Irregulars should have no big trouble to adapt Snoke to Da&Dr. They're showing him with more of a humorous side than we saw in the film. The scene where Snoke dies leaves an especially large amount of freedom to Da&Dr. You can't clearly tell whether Snoke is pulling Rey using the Force or Rey is hovering slightly above the surface, a skill that she probably learned from Luke who'll appear to hover slightly above the surface of the white and red salt planet. And when Snoke is beheaded, there's no way to tell who summoned the laser sword, it could be any of Snoke, Rey, Kylo Ren, or a combination of them battling for control of the sword.

Palpatine, alas, will be somewhat harder to adapt. He isn't a new character, and his appearance in the film is harder to match to Da&Dr Palpatine than with film Palpatine. Even so, Palpatine's machinations are at least compatible with the tone of Da&Dr and with Pete as a player, even if not with Palpatine the character.