"Actionable?" Isaiah shrugged, his robes rustling. "What you choose to do with the information I provide is your prerogative, but I assure you the family's archives are deep, and what you get will be both valuable and sufficient. You could take advantage of the internecine struggles of the House, splinter the factions apart and drive them to open conflict with each other. You could blackmail them for whatever they're worth, raid their secret holdings, dispatch infiltrators and stage a coup..."

Motion from Alia caught his eye, and he glanced at her waving a hand at him and cut off his speculation there. "Yes, well. Suffice it to say, you will have options."

Alia listened to Macharius' proposal with apparent interest, nodding thoughtfully in places. She waited until he had finished laying it out to respond.

"You make a reasonable point about my leaving. The armour is nice, and I shall be sad to see it go, but so be it. The 'death' of the Stalker will feed nicely into enhancing the prestige of both our houses, after all. I suppose you will be wanting the suit as a trophy." She left it unsaid that the ruse had played its course, with what Macharius and the others had already discovered, but everyone present knew it. Some sacrifices would have to be made, no matter how much Alia wished to avoid them, and losing the Stalker's armour was apparently one of those.

"I think I can provide a suitable body. Etula Hax is clear, your Magos' word clears me and mine. Shall we stage an attack on the lodgings you rented, or would you prefer the 'battle' take place in the underhive? Our combined efforts to root out the Stalker's lair successful? You've already blown up one underhive workshop, it could be a nice logical trail to follow."