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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: [WFRP2e] The Saga of Jorunn - Part 1 - "That Which Remains"

    The dragon's nostril flares. Its massive eye narrows.

    "...Do this, warrior; do this, lest your god pour suffering on you. Do this, faithful to your word, and more than the satisfaction of right action may be yours."

    You hear ice cracking as the behemoth bulk of the beast shifts slightly. One of his grand leather wings shifts slightly - and you see it is sleeping on a heap of silver and gold coin... but of interest on that pile, apparently the dragon's offer, is a thick steel breastplate, which might have once been worn by a Kurgan champion - but then it vanishes from your sight as the wing settles again.

    It closes its eye, and looks to be working back into sleep - and the rigidity of your grip slackens all of a sudden, the hammer clattering to the ground from your numb fingers. Once it is clear of your hand, your feet obey you again; and you tumble to the ground as your spasming calves once again recognize your authority. You are clear to leave, the cursed hammer no longer forcing your obedience; the dragon apparently deciding to add greed to the divine oath to compel you to action.

    Back at the entrance to the cave, Ortel and Marlene are holding themselves, crowded into a corner with the mangy wolf between them lending its warmth. They look over you, splattered in crystalized ogre blood; but neither demands to know what has taken place. You have to move quickly to get down the slope to the rest of your thralls before nightfall; where Byjan does dare to ask about what has taken place, and what is to happen next.

    "The woman, Thrud, is recovering slowly; but she needs warmth and care from a place like Zagdhelm, if she is to live. But you have returned - and the beastmen are slain. Perhaps that will be enough, for the dark dwarf?"

    Spoiler: OOC: And now...
    Arnuuk wanted most that you would stop the beastmen attacks - you've done that. He wanted secondarilly that you could gather intel about why they were attacking - you've done that too. The dragon has made you swear by a minor goddess, with the promise of a breastplate of reward, that you will find someone else to be its champion - the way you do this was not specified, but it will involve someone atleast combat capable picking up the dragon-tooth hammer. You may choose to ignore this promise, if you are willing to risk whatever might come from that!
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2023-02-23 at 06:44 AM.