At the dwarf's direction Tygar scans the wall, bar the slight dregs of magic from the vault where they had just wrought some slaughter the door seems safe and clear. A pause at the door and Grimgor can hear faint sounds of chanting and magics on the other side of the door. As he pries the door open he can view the door beyond, a swirling miasma of dark and alien magic. Walls of glistening black stone that seems to have partially melted and formed strange stalactites and stalagmites in the 20 by 20ft chamber where the alien magics have taken over.

The mad cleric seems to have been infected by the aberrant magic, or had masked it previously. A mass of tentacles drops from his chin would be and strange grey suckered pseudopods are in place instead of his feet. With strange albino rubbery skin he looks horrific and is currently cloaked with several magic wardings. Looking at Grimgor he/it tilts its head, tentacles wriggling before a low husky voice echoes in Grimgor's mind. "You came, you interrupted my party... Now you shall die!" The last is screamed out towards Grimgor as it spits a stream of virulent venom towards the dwarf


In the 20ft by 20ft alien chamber the cleric standing at the back (i.e. 20ft from the door)
Its difficult terrain for non aberrations as the alien protrusions writhe and wriggle into your way

Cleric casts Spit Venom at Grimgor as the door swings open (1d20+9)[24] range touch
Fort DC 18 or blinded and (1d2)[2] CON