You try your luck leaning toward cunning instead of brutal physicality - this brute may well outmatch you, in that case. So you take up Witherbrand and incite its bound magics at one of Kaelveg's minions. But though the magic activation of the weapon is intuitive, it is still new to you; and something about the way you are willing it to act goes fowl. An unseasonably hot wind blitzes the scene of the showdown, carrying with it the babbling whispers of some unbodied thing in a language no one understands. This, you suspect, is a side effect of the spell going bad. But to Kaelveg, it seems you have cast something with sorcery and violated the combat of the duel - which is what you were trying to do, to be fair. "Wretch! Sorcerer! Damn your eyes!" He snatches up the axe from the snow and roars his displeasure; and the marauders who had expected to watch a contest of strength quickly take up their arms as well, preparing to fall on you and your party with vengeance!

Spoiler: OOC:
Kaelveg's initiative is already rolled, but now that everyone else is getting involved:

GraelingGreatWeapon1 - (1d10+3)[7]
GraelingGreatWeapon2 - (1d10+3)[7]
GraelingGreatWeapon3 - (1d10+3)[5]
GraelingAxeAndShield4 - (1d10+3)[13]
GraelingAxeAndShield5 - (1d10+3)[9]
GraelingAxeAndShield6 - (1d10+3)[12]
Marlene - (1d10+4)[6]
Liebwen - (1d10+3)[9]
Orten - (1d10+3)[7]
Byjan - (1d10+3)[12]
Wolf - (1d10+4)[5]
Haggur - (1d10+3)[13]

Everyone on this list spends this turn grabbing weapons, dismounting the cart, drawing closer to the combat as the scene changes from a duel to a full melee. It's back around to your turn, with Kaelveg (and all the other Graelings) in charge distance.