"Okay. Just so you know, it is not very flashy, but it might be a bit jarring. No calling out for me though, I'll still be out here. Are you ready?" Once Natalie gives the okay, Nope says "Okay. Don't lose hope, Natalie. We're doing everything we can to make this right. Okay, here we go."

And the very next moment, Natalie is standing in her room.

Given Nope has had at the very least subjective weeks of practice and is under no real stress or duress, he felt confident enough to move Natalie a little short distance. And technically he doesn't move from his spot. In realtime. Just as he technically didn't make the promise to the guy inside that house, given that's apparently not Natalie's real dad.

Regardless, Nope is being very careful in zero-time not to bump Natalie into anything, and he puts her onto the floor in a way that will not cause her to become unstable.

...he still puts her with her bed to her back and the carpet in front of her, just in case.