The battle is joined.

Your thralls have been through a lot; but they are used to this, after a few combats. They know holding out long enough for you to do your gory work is the surest path forward, and they hurl themselves into combat trusting that much of your nature.

As your bones click and shift and the red haze fills up your eyes, the Graelings behold your changing form with mixed astonishment. Four of the followers seem to balk at your ursine shape and the ruff of unnatural white fur over your body; but Kaelveg and a couple of the others take it in stride, too inured by the dangerous Norscan life to be dissauded from their action.

The merchant Haggur proves ready to defend his livelihood. "Come on, you bastards! Graeling swine! You'll not have my wares except by asking for them and paying a reasonable fistful of silver!" He bangs his axe on his circular shield and invites challenge - and he gets it. Two of the shield bearing Graeling charge him, their blows clattering off his defensive posture, but scoring no hit.

Byjan takes your command to heart and races into melee with Kaelveg, swinging down with the great stone maul looted from the Bestigor; but it is an unweilding weapon, and the raider steps aside the blow.

Liebwen the negotiator is least natural in combat, but has proven himself holding his own against several beastmen before, and musters his courage now. He raises his crooked wooden spear to defend himself, managing to spoil the charge of a Graeling rushing at him, and avoid death for another crucial moment.

Orten, your initiate, lets out a throaty bark and surrenders himself to his southern warrior god's courage (not as cowardly as reported, perhaps) and charges across the ground with a crude axe of stone make taken from your beastman slaying. It is Orten who scores first blood, his swing opening a cut on the Graeling warrior opposite him, whose steel great axe just narrowly swings over Orten's head and fails to remove it.

Elsewhere, another great-weapon wielding Graeling tries his luck - with you! Stomaching his fear, he charges across the snow and strikes a heavy blow with the two handed blade; it cracks fiercely against your shield, sending wood chips flying, but failing to cut through it into your arm. Marlene looses an arrow which sails through the combat and narrowly misses the third great weapon wielder so far unengaged.

All of this takes place in a few seconds while your body is rearranging itself. Then you feel the power in your jaws and claws; the strength of the bear in you, and the killing power of whatever god or spirit gave you this gift...

Spoiler: OOC:
Jorunn's turn. So far the field layout looks like...

HaggurVsGraeling4 and Graeling6





Marlene is standing on top of the cart shooting. So far, Graeling3, Wolf, and Kaelveg have yet to act because they go after you.

There's a Graeling on top of you for you to swift attack right now, if you want. Otherwise, you could charge out and join Byjan vs Kaelveg, but the one in contact with you will attack your back as you go, as normal.

So far, your folks are doing great - only one successful hit so far, and it's on the enemy. Good luck!