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Thread: DrK Way of Wicked Take 2 IC

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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: DrK Way of Wicked Take 2 IC

    Spoiler: Oghash's Status, Round 2
    Oghash ("Fiendclaw" in Orcish)
    Female Chaotic Evil Half-Orc Bloodrager/Oracle, Level 3, Init 3, HP 34+9/34+9, Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. base)
    AC 13, Touch 5, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort 12, Ref 5, Will 9, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 3
    Reaver's Ax (+1 Greataxe, additional +1 vs Lawful) +9 (3d6+14, 20/x3)
    Chainmail +2, Heavy Steel Shield (+8 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Bloodrage, -2 AC)
    Abilities Str 25, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
    Condition Bloodrage (1/10 Rounds Used Today)
    Power Attack
    Ghoul Curse Benefit (cannibalized within 24 hours) (+1 Morale to all saves - included above)

    With a frightening grin of of vile elation, Oghash lets the insanity of her blood take hold and charges into melee with the soldiers. She seems to be in a paroxysm of religious fervor as she crashes into the Mitran soldiers, intent on spilling blood with every swing of her massive, enchanted ax. "I'll give you light - more fire light! Mitra isn't here, little men!"

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Free action Bloodrage and activate Power Attack. Then charge the nearest enemy (in a way that avoids Oghash entering the fog) - Reaver's Ax: (1d20+11)[29] to hit, (1d20+11)[22] (20/x3), (3d6+14)[21] slashing magic damage, (6d6+28)[55] critical strike damage.

    If anything incurs an AoO (note Oghash's reach for being large) - Reaver's Ax: (1d20+9)[28] to hit, (1d20+9)[27] (20/x3), (3d6+14)[17] slashing magic damage, (6d6+28)[52] critical strike damage.

    To hit and damage are +1 vs [Lawful] enemies. I did not put it in there, but I suspect some of them might be LG...