Grey - HP: 17\17 - Conditions: None - Active Effects: None


"I believe the Constable was speaking in jest when he said to investigate the candy store first, Millie." Grey says, even though he doesn't look amused by the attempt at humour of the Constable "We could of course still pay that shop a visit, but I would speak first with these Tarascon's - they might've heard something and even if they did not, it would be useful to have them know we are here to help the town."

That said, Grey turns towards the Constable and tries to gently squeeze his shoulder "I understand you're under a lot of pressure. You are not alone anymore, if you need help just look for us." and while Grey sure is trying to comfort the stressed Constable, he's not doing it just out of the goodness of his heart - he has seen how hostile he could be (especially with the non-humans), so Grey hopes that being friendly could win him over and stop his provocations.