Spoiler: Oghash's Status, Round 3
Oghash ("Fiendclaw" in Orcish)
Female Chaotic Evil Half-Orc Bloodrager/Oracle, Level 3, Init 3, HP 28+9/34+9, Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. base)
AC 15, Touch 7, Flat-footed 15, CMD 19, Fort 12, Ref 5, Will 9, CMB +11, Base Attack Bonus 3
Reaver's Ax (+1 Greataxe, additional +1 vs Lawful) +9 (3d6+14, 20/x3)
Chainmail +2, Heavy Steel Shield (+8 Armor, -1 Size, -2 Bloodrage)
Abilities Str 25, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition Bloodrage (2/10 Rounds Used Today)
Power Attack
Ghoul Curse Benefit (cannibalized within 24 hours) (+1 Morale to all saves - included above)

The giant monster doesn't even seem to notice the cleric's spell as she steps deliberately closer to the holy man, slashing her ax contemptuously at the soldier who grazed her. "YOU MEAT SACKS CAN PRICK ME ALL DAY, TILL YOU DIE!" she gloats as the sprays of blood wash over her.

Spoiler: Mechanics
Passed the Will Save in OoC.

Maintain Bloodrage, activate Power Attack, 5-ft step nearer the cleric, and attack the soldier who damaged Oghash last round - Reaver's Ax: (1d20+9)[29] to hit, (1d20+9)[12] (20/x3), (3d6+14)[22] slashing magic damage, (6d6+28)[43] critical strike damage.

If anything incurs an AoO (note Oghash's reach for being large) - Reaver's Ax: (1d20+9)[17] to hit, (1d20+9)[17] (20/x3), (3d6+14)[23] slashing magic damage, (6d6+28)[45] critical strike damage.

To hit and damage are +1 vs [Lawful] enemies. I did not put it in there, but I suspect some of them might be LG...