Was it weird that watching the girl talk to empty air, vanish, and then Nope appear was actually kinda jarring?

Like, she'd had these powers for a couple months now and been working with Nope for much of that time. You'd think she'd be sufficiently used to it that she would barely pay it any mind. Maybe it was because she was still in her "researcher" headspace more than her "superhero" headspace. Or maybe it was just because this time she was seeing it "from the outside" so to speak. But she kinda paused for a step and blinked when she saw it. Kinda made her wonder what her own powers must have looked like to regular people.

"Hey Nope," she said as she approached, listening to his briefing and considering. By their lead, the man in the house would be Zephyr, grandson of Nathan Magro and twin brother of Nathan Magro...Jr? The third? Whatever. And, perhaps most significantly for immediate tactical purposes, father of Natalie.

It wouldn't take much more than a sniff of each of them for Lily to be able to confirm or refute whether the man inside shared half his genes with the young girl. Of course, that meant going in and getting face to face with both of them.

In principle, they could pull the same move they pulled with the cultists, with Nope removing the obstacle the house presented to her sense of smell. Buuuut...that hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience, and the cracked window suggested it wasn't entirely without risk. Call that Plan B.

If it was even needed, she supposed. "Are we convinced she's right, or do we want to try to confirm it?" There was more to that question than there appeared, which Nope may or may not have been aware of; around Uncle Bruno's gaming table over the years, Lily had had a tendency first to play characters with significant information-gathering capabilities (she was on record as saying that whoever thought diviners were underpowered enough to warrant giving up only one school rather than the usual two was an idiot), and when it game to gathering information, to always want to check things herself, rarely taking the word of NPCs at face value. She'd even double-checked the results of other PCs a couple times when it was information they had gained by passing notes, or when she wasn't in the room.

Point is, Lily tended to trust her own experiments and evaluations over the claimed knowledge of others. That she was willing to take Nope's assessment of Natalie's accuracy as given was, from her, a fairly significant statement of trust and confidence.