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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

  1. - Top - End - #437
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    "The scarf is one of our few leads," Kal says, coolly. "If we had more robust avenues of information to explore, I assure you, that is what we would do."

    "But it seems as though our mention of this scarf is causing you a great deal of distress, hm?" Her voice betrays not a hint of agitation. She maintains an eerie calm, despite Zephyr's escalating tension. "It was not my intention to alarm, Mr. Magro, I apologize. Perhaps we could switch to a less charged topic of conversation, if only for a moment? Your lovely wife looks rather startled, this is the last thing I would ever want."

    "Tell me, Mr. Magro. How did you two first meet?"
    Last edited by Abracadangit; 2023-04-13 at 12:27 PM.