Quote Originally Posted by paradox26 View Post
Eldryn stands before the town leaders, and says, "Greetings, wise ones. I have a boon to ask of you. The prisoner known as Sanbalet has a secret, and he will only speak of it if his safety and freedom is assured. I believe the secret to be one of great enough significance that it will be worth that price. After all, though illegal, his smuggling operation he was part of did little harm of itself, and the secret may be of benefit to the town. I promised him I would speak up on his behalf in front of you, who are the only ones with the right to free him. What say you?"
Eda is the one to respond to you. "I will consider this proposition, but first we will have to deal finish dealing with the smugglers that he was associated with.

After looking into the group of smugglers you disbanded, we still have been unable to apprehend some of their operation, specifically the vessel that brings their goods to our coast.

We do not believe that the seafaring members of the operation know of the capture of their compatriots. Based on the records we found in the house, we would expect the next drop off to be at the end of next week.

I speak on behalf of the council to say that we would like this operation shut down once and for all. I hope that we can count on your aid once more to board the vessel of the remaining smugglers and end this operation."