Taalia Giovanni

The two girls walked across the verdant field towards the towering edifice of stone and mortar that rose up before them. Taalia whistled as if she had just spotted a particularly attractive man, giving her friend a nudge on her shoulder as she gestured to the perimeter of Remas. The imposing front only reached higher and higher the closer they drew, before the massive gates were towering over them with armed guards waiting with open palms for the fee to enter such a well-fortified area.

Taalia was surprised by Bella's apparent knowledge of Ricco's Republican Guard, her friend seizing her arm and uttering what she knew in a hushed, excited whisper. It was quite cute honestly, and when the two passed the guards at the door, despite the acquisition of her money, Taalia gave a tip of her steel-helmeted head to a couple of members of the famed mercenary unit.

It was then that they entered the city proper, a wave of scents hitting Taalia's face like a silk-covered fist. Immediately she could detect the hint of cooking food on small, side-road stores, but so too came the odor of compressed masses and horse****. But the few distasteful aroma's aside, Taalia grinned as she looked down the bright lit and broad corridors of commerce that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, which was a particular distance owing to the lack of multistory buildings.

"Oh, Taalia - I can't believe we are in this place! Can you imagine it?"

The Shepardess turned to her friend, a grin across her face as she put her arm around her shoulders and gave her a tight, affectionate hug. They were two disparate souls either lost or discarded by the world, but had found a companionship in each other.

"Yeah ago I did not even know such a place existed!" she answered, her voice a little louder to be heard over the passing throngs of people.

But where where where should they go?

"Oh, we must go to the Great Temple of Myrmidia and pray together for a safe journey! And the temple of Shallya!"

That was two, but where would be the third?

Taalia grinned.

"The Great Coliseum!" she shepardess announced brightly, becoming visibly excited over the idea of entering the grand arena and witnessing one of the famed bouts.

"I will buy us cooked meat along the way, yes?"


37 durii
8 scellini