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Thread: The Book Thread

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Book Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    The reaction here to the marketing for the Locked Tomb is wild because I was of the understanding everyone was into it FOR those exact things everyone is annoyed by. Interesting to see the differences that crop up with stuff like this.
    Honestly, no. Romance is a 50-50 for me, at best, as in, in more than half the books that have Romance, I find it annoying and uninteresting. Sex scenes are worse, I can't remember ever reading a sex scene that was interesting or added anything to the book I was in. And with so much focus on the "Look! Lesbians! So many lesbians! The lesbianest lesbians!" I was expecting, well, a major focus on the Romance, which would place this book firmly in the uninteresting category for me. "Necromancer Space Opera" additionally sounds extremely pulpy (never mind that there's not one shred of space opera there), which makes it an additional toss-up. Could end up just bad, with too many genre elements crammed in, or could just be really edgy for no reason, so that's more reason to be skeptical.

    Basically, what the marketing tells me is "cheap" and "lurid". And yeah, maybe a tad bandwagon-jumpy, with all the "look how gay!", it sounds a bit corporate, a bit "How do you do fellow kids". Insincere.

    I also find it baffling how little it has to do with the actual contents. If they had marketed it as a fantasy locked room murder mystery, I'd have been much more interested.
    Last edited by Eldan; 2023-04-20 at 03:07 PM.
    Resident Vancian Apologist