"Fair enough." Frode told Alexandra, as the phone-sized mass of metal disintegrated before streaming back into his pockets. "Roboty? Huh, one I heard was Rowboat..." he added, mostly to himself.

"Alright, I'll just jump and use the 'glorious flare of golden light' trick, along with... eh, maybe the opening bit of Also Sprach Zarathustra blasting out of thin air for some drama. If they start shooting at me, so be it... if they can get through my TARDIS forcefield, they still have to be able to damage my hull, and even if they have enough firepower to do that... which honestly isn't terribly likely... they still have to damage it faster than my powers can repair it. I'll be back in a few minutes, most likely."

And with that, he flowed back into TARDIS form and faded out with the signature '*VWOORP VWOORP VWOORP*'

Barring anything extremely unusual, he'll appear in the throneroom just above the Emperor's seat on the Golden throne as a blaze of formless golden light with thunderous music, then the glow will 'settle' on the Throne before fading away as he merges his physical form with the machinery, using his abilities to learn about it extremely rapidly and his technokinesis to rearrange things, or even create entirely new parts, as needed.