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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    West Side Base, 6:00 AM
    Spoiler: The Stuffed Animal…demon…whatever

    John looked up from his work and into the eyes of Shashka’s twin, fashioned out of a plush cat and bat, having to remind himself that they were unliving things. His original plan for the peace offering had been exceeded with his creation. The plush toy was almost life-like in its appearance—not that many would recognize the demon or its slightly off coloring as accurate. But those in the know would recognize it and he was more than a little proud of his work.

    He had expected to be working on this at midnight—an appropriately dark hour for this kind dark of work. Instead, he had used that time to, once again, attempt to help his rival for Emi’s affection. Why he kept helping him was beyond him. Yes, John was well aware that he was a ‘good guy’ and a ‘nice guy’, but this was getting ridiculous—even for him.

    Spoiler: Some Recovery Bookkeeping
    Recovers?: 1d8-1 7 1d6-1 0
    John is no longer Shaken this morning.

    Spellcasting: Healing to remove his remaining Fatigue: 1d12o12 11 1d6o6 10

    John is no longer Fatigued and appears to be a little more peppy than expected.

    Focus, John. You are working on a framework to summon a greater demon that even Debonair might hesitate to use.

    The ice pack he has brought down to his lab from the freezer had done an admirable job of keeping the wax he needed to create the mold workable but solid as he carved the mixture of Latin and magical runes on one side and Enochian—the debased form of Angelical used by generations of human magicians, on the other.

    But where there would normally be a name, there was a reservoir for blood.

    Zylas’ blood, to be precise.

    He did not like what he was doing. This involved two kinds of magic that he had wanted to avoid.

    “There is no difference between White Magic, Natural Magic, and Necromancy,” Doctor Dee had patiently explained to him as John grappled with the thought during his training. "There is only a difference in the intent of the magician. That is why you must take care to know your intent and to strive always to stay on the side of the Angels. It is why you need to know all forms of magic and not just how to wield Angelical to exert your will. In addition to knowing how to counter what you notice, you may be called upon to wield unexpected forces for the greater good.

    “I will grant you that the good intention of raising a demonic entity is a thought that stretches the imagination in the same way raising an Angelic spirit for ill does,” Doctor Dee had continued, “but it is the same principal. it is what you set your will to do that is at question. It is not the method you use to achieve that will.”

    John was certainly testing the limits of that thought tonight by creating a summoning ring he, theoretically, could employ to rescue Vrell by combining traditional magic, Blood Magic, Enochian Magic and Demonology—fueled, in part, by his own will.

    “It is one of the problems you will face, time and again,” Edward Kelley had added sadly. “You will be confronted with instances where you must weigh yourself rather than the method and not confuse your own desires with true need.”

    Dr. Dee looked away, regret written as clearly on his face as on Edward’s. “Even now, whether that choice was the correct one or not remains unclear. It is only through your actions, John Kelley, that we may know that answer and determine how sorry we should be.”

    No pressure, thought John as he reached out to prepare the mold that would receive the alchemical metals needed. It was, is, and will be the past, present, and future riding on his actions.

    His hands were shaking.

    So much….

    He steadied his breathing.

    So much blood….


    It drained along the gutters.

    Not this time.

    Her parents wailed.

    This time, neither blood nor ichor would be spilled.

    His steady breathing held.

    There would be no sacrifice.

    His hands steadied.

    He could save Vrell.

    He reached once more for the material to make the mold. A glance at the furnace assured him the alchemical gold would flow.

    He would save Vrell.

    John wiped away a tear, wished he was better rested, and got back to work—reminding himself that Emi would be there to lend him moral support if he needed it.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-07 at 02:33 AM.