After Sharkan completes his spell and Lamorak completes his lunge new words cry out in rushed elvish, seemingly giving new instructions to the golems. The chain golems cease their easily dodged whirling, with the one Lamorak struck making deliberate strikes at Maiabael rather than lashing out in every direction. Then, the form from around the corner becomes clearly visible, a 9ft tall metal humanoid made of polished plates of steel rounds the corner, it moves forwards with accelerated steps, a strange force seeming to push the rock around it forward as it moves towards the group. Yet it seems to be forced to stop by the tight confines of the tunnel, stopping short of you, then slamming an extended limb into Lamorak.

Behind you, yet more of the refugees stream into the tunnel, with a majority of the cavern's inhabitants now have made it clear.

Spoiler: OOC

Lamorak and Maiabel both take 13 damage from the chain golem and shield guardian. They also both take 2 further damage from bleed effects.

It is now Lamorak, Cypher and Maiabel's go.