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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: The LA Assignment Thread XII: the LA-bors of Heracles

    Okay, this would obviously be a -0 if it wasn't for the hunting cry, and I get that it can still look unimpressive with it, but I actually think a +0 is just fine. Paralysis is a very good effect, and 4 useless hit dice can still help you gather skills - qualifying youvfor Siren, from SS. That's a hard class to get into and get good stuff from, and this one has a cry at will (24 immunity, blah blah), and the cone shape is way more party friendly than the far more common emanation of other sonic-mind affecting Su abilities.

    I think LA +0 is fine. I'd play this.

    Edit: great minds think alike, or at least similarly.
    Last edited by H_H_F_F; 2023-05-26 at 02:11 AM.