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Thread: As You Command IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    This wizard at least seems to speak common, for he responds to Lamorak's taunts.

    "You are foolish, our spirit is of the divines. I at least am too wise to spend it, unlike whichever fools you may have met earlier. I have been shown the path to deliver you death through simple control of others."

    As he's decrying you, your swings manage at last to tear apart the chain golem, leaving only one still visible behind the heft of the shield guardian. However, the same figure that likely blasted you with a fireball now steps out from around the corner, and casts something targeted at the very edge of Sharkan's conjoured barrier. Suddenly from the stalagtites above your head and the uneven rocks beneath your feet a great mass of black muscles and chain reaches out, attempting to envelop your legs and necks, and prevent your retreat. The field even reaches as far as the mouth of the cavern, and while those who have already fled are safe, those prisoners still fleeing prove vulnerable to the strength of these grasping tentacles.

    At the same moment, Maiabel's freely bleeding wound closes, while Lamoraks continues to exhaust yet more of his strength onto the cavern floor.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Evard's Black Tentacles Time!

    Everyone needs to make a Grapple check against the following DCs, on a failure, you are grappled.

    Lamorak: 35
    Maiabel: 27
    Cypher: 28

    Wow, that was a hot set of dice.

    Also Lamorak takes a further 2 damage from ongoing bleed.

    It's now Sharkan's go
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2023-05-29 at 08:46 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.