November 3rd
Date Night
Once dinner starts, Noah switches to a fully instrumental set. He uses the pedals he has set up in conjunction with his laptop to create loops, letting him add solos over a backing track. Louis can identify versions of several popular songs.

Izzy rolls her eyes in mock exasperation. “You know that’s not what I meant, Louis.”

Her gaze softens as she looks at him again. “I’m serious. I’m having a great time today,” she says with a smile. “I’m really glad you came by the coffee shop too.”

“Your friends seem cool, by the way. A little weird, but cool.” She cuts another ravioli in half and eats one, thinking for a moment. “It’s kinda cool that I can say that I’ve met members of the West and South Side teams. I kinda doubt a lot of people have.”

November 8th
“Your wife is… something else. She’s brilliant,” Emi says with quiet earnestness. “And I’ll confess that her theory is correct. I do hear thoughts. I try my best to block them out, but you’re correct as well. It does make it easier to maneuver through conversations. There are people that can completely block their thoughts from me though. John is one of them.”

As Kate comes down the stairs, Emi shifts topics with Joe, leaning her shoulder into John’s sister as she hops up beside her. “I’ll take some straight blueberry ones. It’s been awhile since I’ve had some.”

Emi gives Kate a sideways grin as she and Joe speak about not breaking John, but stays quiet, wanting Kate to tell the story if she wished.

Once Joe rounds the corner, Emi glances over at the other girl, the shakes her head and smiles. “I got the chance to peek just a little while ago. She’s very thorough. I’m sure that she’ll know that I’ve looked as well.”

Kate can see a small smile at the corner of Emi’s lips as she asks about Grayson. “He’s one of my best friends. Of course John is nervous. John overthinks everything.”

“What did you want to know about him? I can tell you basics. He attends Bastion College with me and is an astrophysics major. He’s also a talented musician.”