R4T18-17: Walking along the cliff face towards Scruff and the cave opening, Maggie tries to get a peek inside the illuminated cave, but can't see anything from her vantage. Unable to see the foes, Maggie adjusts her stance to now stand south of Scruff but still can't see any enemies - despite seeing into part of the cave - to which she can direct Scruff. Scruff delays...

R4T16: Blue readies their shield and draws their rapier and steps down to face Ago.

R4T15: Ago, what do you do?

Lev on deck, Red in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
BLESS (except Sol & Ago): +1 morale save vs. fear & attack rolls.
* RAGING SONG: +2 morale bonus to STR & CON and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. +4 HP.
Sol: 23. Shield til R44T23.
Visto: 22.
Maggie: 18.
* Bless til R41T18.
Scruff: 17.
Blue Drow: 16. (75:75). Crossbow reloaded (7 bolts remaining); holstered. Shield and rapier.
Ago: 15. Flail and shield. Suffers gambit rake (-2 all d20 rolls) til end of R14T15.
* SMITE vs. Red (+5 attack, +4 damage). ACCEPTED RAGING SONG (2 rds).
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Lev: 14. Greatsword. Raging Song!
Red Drow: 13. (32:75). Shield and rapier. RS.
Tsyra: 12. Slashing blade (Kinetic Blade Mastery) formed. Everburning torch in offhand. Scarlet einhander.
