High Elf Eldritch Knight.
Darkvision: 60ft Blindsight: 10ft
AC: 17 HP: 63/72
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 12
Concentrating on:
7 / 7 d8 HD
Second wind 1d10+7 1/1 Action surge 1/1
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

Barely feeling the enemy punches, Anri scowled and returned fire with two vicious swipes of her own.
Spoiler: OOC

Move : None
BA: attack: (1d20+8)[19] to hit, (1d12+5)[17] slash, (2d6)[9] fire
Action: GFB: (1d20+8)[11] to hit, (1d12+5)[6] slash, (2d6)[6] + (1d8+1)[8] fire damage
(1d12+5)[10] fire damage leaps to adjacent enemy, no hit roll or save, if applicable
Reaction: shield if struck