Don Corneo's club,Lestallum
Daki cried in pain as she received the arrow in her third eye,blinding the only way for her brother to see through her eyes.
" You Ugly things,you will pay for this! I'll kill you all and devour you!!: she screams.
Gyutaro received one arrow on his neck and the other on his chest.
Two of the three Zenitsu were distracted by the voice...

"All of you need to listen to me very closely."
"If you don't, all I need to do is give the order, and entire cities and towns will go up in smoke."

"Who are you? What do you want with us?! Are you working for Muzan? WRATH?!" AU Zenitsu shouts. Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Noctis looked worried.
" Jacob,is that you? What's going on?!" Zenitsu( Lucy) asked.
The heroes were distracted.Gyutaro took this as an opportunity to escape. He dashed behind Prompto and trapped him in a headlock.
"NOCT!!!" Prompto cried.
Noctis's eyes widened as he saw Gyutaro holding his best friend hostage.
"I suggest that you all stay where you are,or else freckled face blondie will get his throat sliced." Gyutaro threatened.

The Slayers were paralysed. They had to do something,quick!
"What is it you want?" Proffesor Karasu asked
"The Neo Demon Slayers will stop you,wherever you are." Proffesor Kurusu replied.
"Master,are you okay?" A young man witb long red hair a mark on his forehead and wearing a purple kimono asked. " I have everything under control Michikatsu." The proffesor told the young man.
Butterfly mansion,Taisho island.
" That's good to hear! Tanjiro will be happy." Shinobu replied." Lady Tamayo should arrive by nightime."