Caelyn's shifted moonbeam scorches the shape changer, and with a roar of agony it succumbs to its injuries, writhing as it does so. She doesn't do so uncontested though. The dopplegangers leap past their civilian prey and split, one approaching the elemental and the other - unable to reach Sam - smashing its arms into Caelyn with full force, threatening to crack her skull.

Senna shifts slightly, trying to catch more of their targets in her spirits even as she calls out a holy word that blasts those around her with radiant light. Combined with her persistent spirits, another doppleganger falls victim. Aldeth focuses on evasion as another moves in towards Grok, slamming an arm into his armour with unnatural strength.

Spoiler: Map

Grok hits twice, injuring the Dread Doppleganger but not yet bloodying it.
Caelyn's moonbeam kills the injured doppleganger and Bokono crits for 18, bloodying its target.

Senna casts Word of Radiance; the dread doppleganger makes its save but the doppleganger doesn't. It then dies from a failed spirit guardians save.
Aldeth dodges, not willing to leave the safety of the party nearby.

One of of the Dopplegangers moves in and hits Grok for 10.
One hits Bokono for 8.
One crits Caelyn for 16, and then hits for a further 5.
One misses Senna twice.

Anri, Grepha, Sam, and Leaf are up.

Anri: [19]
Brandilar: [18] BLOODIED
Grepha: [18]
Sam: [17]

DD: [10]

Senna: [4]

D: [4]