Cheerful Sam | Grepha
Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
AC: 12 HP: 38/55 | AC: 13 HP: 26/26
PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
Disguised (Elf) | Spider Form

Seeing a small window of opportunity to save one of the civilians as the doppelgangers' numbers dwindle, Sam leaps forward and rolls over the chair at the table in front of him, pushing off with his wings - though it looks like the elven merchant just sails through the air like a gliding monk. As he flies through the air he releases blasts 'below' him to throw the dread away and moves in the way of the doppelganger and the civilian. Though he's left with no chance to heal the injured man yet. Hang on just a little longer...

Crawling onto Caelyn's foot, Grepha releases a tiny trickle of shadow that slithers up her leg and sinks into her bruises, beginning to knit together broken blood vessels from the beating the doppelganger is pounding into her chest. With a few legs she sketches a tiny red sigil and kicks it between several feet, where it lands under Grok and expands into a glowing circle. Ready to spur him to the next foes once those nearby are felled.

Spoiler: Rolls
Bonus: Tumble, dash/disengage 2 S.
Cast Eldritch Blast on the dread near the south civvies.
(1d20+6)[17] to hit Blast 1 +(1d4)[3] Aldeth bonus
(1d10)[7] force damage +(1d4)[2] bump damage into the table
(1d20+6)[10] to hit Blast 2 +(1d4)[2] Aldeth bonus
(1d10)[9] force damage +(1d4)[2] bump damage into the table
Move between the dread doppelganger and the dying merchant.

Using Cult Dice to heal Caelyn for (2d4+2)[4].
Bonus action to cast Sigil of Alacrity beneath Grok.