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Thread: Reincarnation Syndrome - The SS Big

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    The Laniakea Supercluster

    Default Re: Reincarnation Syndrome - The SS Big

    Quote Originally Posted by ArlEammon View Post
    The Hour Of Truth
    Every one of our protagonists feel an ominous presence. There seems to be nothing out the ordinary, but you can't seem to shake the feeling that you are being watched by someone, or something purely evil. Some of you are eating donuts, relaxing at a Starbucks, some of you are in the Seventh Heaven Bar. Everyone else is doing whatever they feel like doing, but no matter what they're doing, it's all the same unmistakable feeling. With that, comes an inhuman mixture of laughter and roar, the same evil laughter that Jacob laughed during the battle with the Shinra Soldiers.
    No sooner than I'd finished analyzing, reconstructing, and integrating into my bodies the properties of hexgold and darksteel did Jacob's emanation ping on various sensors.

    [INFO THREAD::COMMO:/dev/serial/NXIS-A/SCV-7811A:R] SensorEvent::eDetectElevatedEnergyLevels emit() : QEDNSocket : Origin coordinates unknown. Level urgent. Wrote datastream /dev/serial/ds0
    [INFO THREAD::COMMO:/dev/serial/NXIS-A/SCV-7811A:P] gal::ai-interface::ithread syscall it_alloc() : <> : ACK
    [INFO THREAD::ITHREAD_#774780987] Dataset determination: source ID candidates list size 1. Level elevated to mission-critical. 
    "...I'd thought you better than this. Seems I was mistaken," I whisper to the air under my breath.

    The look I give Vast is one of concern, and yet also a bit of a "darn it, already..." expression.

    "We'd better make our moves, too. Time waits for no one...and it's nearly half-midnight already."

    Metaphorically, of course. After all, there are two things Chronos makes better than anyone — gift baskets, and time-based strategic decisions. And half-midnight means action time.
    Last edited by Aleph Null; 2023-06-21 at 09:49 AM.
    There are 1d20 types of people in the world: people that always roll natural 1 when it matters.

    I don't know why, but I think more people have studied linguistics than I have.
    ...yes, the above sentence is in fact meaningless. But you did a double-take, didn't you?