Quote Originally Posted by PrinceNoctisXV View Post
"You..." Gyutaro hissed.
"You think that you can kill me with fire?!" Daki shouts. "Big brother let's kill...

Gyutaro cried on pain as the spell affectés him. He released his holds on Prompto Who escape near his friends.
"You're okay Prom?" Noctis asked.
"Don't worry about me! That demon didn't have the time to scratch me!" Prompto replied despite being shaken.

Daki used her obi appendages to attempt to Block the flammes which gave Inosuke, Zenitsu and Lucitsu an opportunity to attack her from behind and target her neck.

Gyutaro was hit by the attack, along with à Lumos spell from Iris. Au Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Noctis moved in attempt to finish him off.
"Why yes, yes i can. It is fire that ultimately burns your kind to ash when hit with solar rays is it not?" Harry retorted to Daki.

Quote Originally Posted by ArlEammon View Post
Tokyo,Japan,Earth Prime
"HE is the one with THOSE." The other Jacob states in an annoyed tone. "I am God Emperor and Sorcerer Supreme, but with his body as hostage I have all access to his powers also, as if I needed them. "


All Protagonists
"When you are done with, whatever you are doing, you will enter the portal and thus, my world. Your version of me his inheritance there to rule over."
"Oh yeah? And why would you wanna drag us to your world? What's in it for us? Who's saying we'd want to go even then?" Harry asked in response