Quote Originally Posted by Thunder999 View Post
Ethan nods, "Your place sounds good, it's getting rather loud here isn't it."
Not being able to return to his apartment is a bit annoying, though more on principle than anything, still wherever Eshaal has in mind is probably much more interesting.

Ethan assumes this is some sort of telepathy, given the natural wood comment perhaps this is what that trusting a tree comment was about. He has the feeling he doesn't know enough to know what questins he should even ask, though he still manages to send quite a few towards the ring "Why did I hear him? Why didn't Eshaal? She's got to be Reincarnated too so it's not just that. What is a subspace and why wouldn't they just find it? Is there anything you'd like to ask?"
A warm sensation emmanates from the ring, covering Ethan in a cozy comfortable feeling. By the time Vast's voice sounds again inside Ethan's mind it's more close and personal. Like a thought that he had hymself, very much like the voice of the dragon reborn.

"When a kid throws a temper tantrum, what should an adult do?"

There is a glint of a smile in the voice. Outside the WRATH team has cordoned the area and are keeping people at bay from the office building.

"As to your questions. A subspace is like a portal, but it leads to a temporary space, that doesn't exist before or after the subspace does. We believe since it's not connected to somewhere else, it doesn't damage reality. It's also easier to hide. Eshaal is particularly adept at creating them. Now, for my questions. They boil down to two. Are you a good person? and Do you intend to reshape the multiverse as you see fit?"

Quote Originally Posted by Aleph Null View Post
"If you really want to attempt to fling insults, you'll have to be more creative. It's hard to take seriously such an overused pejorative for a robot from someone who thinks goats — a notoriously surly and stupid animal — are a good source of inspiration for one's likeness and image," I muse in response.

"Similarly, your assertion that you are the emperor of everything and everyone is ill-defined and thus holds no merit. Emperors are, after all, the rulers of a specific set of territories, rather than a set of objects or people, even before we get into the absurdity of the notion that 'everything' has a definition even remotely robust enough for use in any form of meaningful argument."

I take a few moments to gather a significant amount of extra energy (several trillion exajoules should suffice) and store it in my internal induction cells just in case.

"If you truly have awakened some immense control of worlds and of reality, then would you not be able to simply transport us to 'your' world by force, rather than extorting us with vague threats of mass killings that I could easily prevent should you lack such power? Either way, it would be unwise for me to simply comply with your demands barring significant evidence to the contrary."
Vast looks at Nebula, that seems more peeved than expected. They extend the palm of their hand, create a flower, a blue spider lily, and close it. The flower is gone. Vast seems to be having their own fun. They look at Nebula again, with a smirk.

"Monkeys are boisterous hooligans. Engaging monkeys normally ends on them throwing their own feeces at you. Young trees sometimes do that, just for the nutrients. But honestly, it's rarely worth your time. What do you want to do next?"