R1T16: Akif moves out onto the bridge, spear and shield readied as he gets into a defensive stance, and rallying the others.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Myki takes an extract mid-air and becomes really small at only a single yard in height. She darts after her prey, helping the others see where she's going (and where her prey must be).

R2T27: The harpy withdraws at a far greater speed than Myki can advance, moving around the building and out of sight to the south and west.

R2T22: Iluvar, what do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Sisir in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Myki: 34. Rapier. Fly til R26T34. Displacement til R10T34.
* Reduce person til R92T34.
* Heroism (71 min., sheet updated, except for skills). DEX Mutagen active (71 min.).
Herifax: 27. Bow. SICKENED til R3T27!!!
Iluvar: 22. Sandals of the lightest step activated til R11T22 (when moving 10'+, gain air walk, but land on surface).
* Assessment scored a 14, but only value 9 given due to distance.
The Scribe: 21. ST: Herifax (+1).
* Silver Crane Waltz (+2 AC & Ref saves).
Sisir: 20. Mace (gray light) and shield. TD!
Akif: 16. Spear and shield (light).
* Rallying Presence (Ex): +5 [CHA] morale bonus to Will saves versus fear, death effects, or compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30' of his position.
** If, while maintaining this presence, he becomes cowed, frightened, panicked or falls prey to a hostile mind-affecting ability (such as one that would stun or daze him), compulsion or death effect, this presence immediately ends.
