Sam continues his one-two beam punch, with one slamming into the doppleganger and the other going wide. When he swoops down, the creature slips behind him, slamming his fists into the half-dragon's back. Anri and Leaf in turn deliver potent blows of their own, bloodying their respective opponents with arrow and flame. Brandilar tries to follow suit, and though he delivers some strong blows he's also not able to fully fell his enemy.

The dopplers retaliate, one hitting past Senna's defences even as her spirits assail them, one twisting his fist against Anri once more, and two others again incanting mind-arresting spells. Anri manages to shrug it off, but Leaf is less lucky, and suddenly finds his vision filled with terrifying visions.

Spoiler: Map

Sam hits with one beam, misses with the other.
Grepha heals and throws down a Sigil; it will activate on Grepha's next turn, so not active yet.
Leaf hits with their bowshot, bloodying the doppleganger next to Senna.
Anri hits twice, bloodying their target.

Brandilar hits three times, dropping the doppleganger next to Caelyn to 1hp.

The two dopplegangers in spirit guardians fail their saves vs. spirit guardians, taking 24 damage each, though they're still hanging on - barely. One steps out and swings at Anri. One hit for 9, assuming she doesn't shield.
One hits Senna once for 5 (47 remaining). She maintains concentration on Spirit Guardians.
One hits Sam twice for 4 and 8.

The two formerly Commanded dopplers get back into the fight by casting Phantasmal Killer again on Anri and Leaf. Anri makes her save, Leaf doesn't. He's Frightened on his turn and needs to make a DC14 wis save at the end of each turn to end it, otherwise takes 4d10 psychic damage.

Grok and Caelyn are up.

Anri: [19]
Brandilar: [18] BLOODIED
Grepha: [18]
Sam: [17]

DD: [10]

Senna: [4]

D: [4]