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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

    Caelyn Syol'arael
    Wood Elf Druid
    AC: 15 HP: 14/54
    PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
    Concentrating on:
    5 / 7 d8 HD
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 0/1 4th
    0/2 Wildshape

    Caelyn curses and holds in a shout of pain as the doppleganger smacks her around with it's club like appendages. Summoning her will, she lifts her staff, summoning the elements from the local area. Water from behind the bar began to spiral outward, seeking wounds and healing them. Meanwhile, the fire of the local lamps rushes outward as a lancing bolt of fire at the creature fighting Bokono. Bokono, for his part, fired at the enemy menacing Caelyn.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Invoke elements- (1d20+7)[27] + (1d4)[1] to hit, (9d8)[58] fire damage( doubled on crit to116 total), including an extra d8 from enhanced bond. Caelyn, Senna, Aldeth, and his bodyguard heal for (3d8)[10] hps. Then Bokono fires a seed at the one in melee with Caelee- (1d20+7)[9] and (1d6+3)[4] fire damage.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-06-25 at 09:01 AM.
    The Bear is Back.