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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

  1. - Top - End - #492
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

    Anri leaps atop the bar to strike at her doppleganger foe, and delivers two scorching hits, though it hits back just as hard, slamming its fists past any magical defense she may have conjured. Its blows delivered, it then moves towards the stairs to follow alongside its ally, nursing its wounds as it goes. The remaining doppleganger behind the bar conjures a magical aura, that vanishes, to seemingly no effect whatsoever. It then hops over the counter and moves around the edge of the spirit guardians towards Sam, though it has no need to do so.

    Though Sam's flames do scorch the doppleganger in the spirits, they are snuffed out almost as quickly, as the remaining creature in his face slams its arms into the dragon with punch after punching, including a critical slam that may well have broken his snout - or at least clogged it up. He drops to the ground from the force of the impact. Brandilar leaps forwards to try to rescue his ally of chance, but only manages to land one slice on the evasive grey creature.

    Despite flames and spirits, the doppleganger beside Senna holds fast, standing as best he can. He must see no escape for him other than through the cleric, and so he keeps swinging fist after fist. One makes it through, but Senna holds her spell active still.

    Spoiler: Map

    Brandilar hits once only, but it is enough to bloody the creature next to Sam.
    Sam heals a man, and damages the mirrored DD with his flames. Grepha indeed misses.
    Anri hits twice, reducing the enemy to low hit points.
    Leaf breaks their fear.

    The DD in spirit guardians makes his save, allowing him to survive one more turn - almost certainly his last.

    Sam gets hit twice for 7 and 8, and crits for 14. Assuming the health total is correct, this downs him.
    Senna gets hit once, for 9 (48/61). She maintains concentration.
    Anri gets hit three times - for 8, 7, and 6. A shield spell removes the 7 damage, but not the other two.
    The doppleganger by the bar casts a spell(?) and then moves. There is no visible effect of the spell.

    Grok and Caelyn are up.

    Anri: [19]
    Brandilar: [18]
    Grepha: [18]
    Sam: [17]

    DD: [10]

    Senna: [4]
    Aldeth: [4]

    D: [4]

    Last edited by Amnestic; 2023-06-28 at 03:59 PM.
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