R6T14: Lev completes his song as the last enemy falls. He drops to his knee beside the corpse dust and searches for any gear or metal the undead might have carried. "Well, at least we now know who has been behind the attacks. Although I have never seen an elf quite this hue. Probably something to do with being underground too long."

Two of the items remaining are a masterwork rapier and a masterwork chain shirt (won't be updated on party treasury until after initiative and party does out-of-initiative inventory).

R6T12: Tsyra, initiative is kept for timing purposes only. You are no longer in combat, so you come out of stance. What do you do? If nothing special, you can step out of initiative (delay).

Sol on deck, Maggie in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
BLESS (except Sol & Ago): +1 morale save vs. fear & attack rolls.
* RAGING SONG: +2 morale bonus to STR & CON and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. +4 HP.
Sol: 23. Shield til R44T23. Guidance til R15T18.
Maggie: 18.
* Bless til R41T18. Flaming Sphere til R10T18 (Ref DC 17).
Scruff: 17.
Ago: 15. Flail and shield. Inner sphere stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 Will saves).
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Visto: 14.5. 10' underwater.
Lev: 14. Greatsword.
Tsyra: 12. Slashing blade (Kinetic Blade Mastery) formed. Everburning torch in offhand.

Drow guard (2).