Briefly checking the four people his vision highlighted with the outlines of weapons to see if they looked like obvious criminals, even as his mind goes cold at the influx of even more strange information. Deciding that he'd relieve anyone that look like they'd become a problem when they woke up of anything they would cause even more panic with.

Glancing at the roof and the highlighted pings of light coming alive in his vision, he instinctively flexes his will...and the four hovering blue crystals seemed to vibrate in the air without sound and each shot a beam of that same strange blue light towards four seperate places where the ping of sounds on the roof he'd focused on as if they were high-intensity blue laser pointers.

Spoiler: Mechanics

Note: As the Crystals of Radiance are being used as his Veil Knife, they are automaticalls 'Bound' in whichever slot he choses (Headband), but do not take up the headband slot for the purposes of using other Veils. This means he benefits from all the enhanced benefits of the 'Headband' Bind, including the increased limit of 4 crystals instead of 2.

While having multiple crystals in effect, he gains the benefit of multiweapon fighting feat (but only in regards to the crystals), allowing him to attack with all four at a -4 penalty for each attack.

Full Round Attack:
  1. Crystals of Radiance Attack vs Touch AC: (1d20+6)[24] doing (2d6+2)[14] damage* if successful. (50% Miss Chance: (1d100)[90])
  2. Crystals of Radiance Attack vs Touch AC: (1d20+6)[20] doing (2d6+2)[10] damage* if successful. (50% Miss Chance: (1d100)[35])
  3. Crystals of Radiance Attack vs Touch AC: (1d20+6)[15] doing (2d6+2)[14] damage* if successful. (50% Miss Chance: (1d100)[83])
  4. Crystals of Radiance Attack vs Touch AC: (1d20+6)[20] doing (2d6+2)[11] damage* if successful. (50% Miss Chance: (1d100)[69])

Immediate Action: 'Unfolding' the Machinist's Powered Armor if percieving an incoming attack (but only in such case - otherwise it stays 'folded away').

Damage*: "Half of the damage dealt by your crystals is either treated as fire damage or untyped damage that bypasses any damage reduction, resistances, or immunities, whichever would be more beneficial to you. For example: If your target is vulnerable to fire damage all of the damage dealt by the creature would count as fire, but if they were immune or resistant half of the damage would be untyped."

Warren Murdock
Male C/N Human - Veilknife 3 // Integrator 2 / Circuitbreaker 1, Level 3, Init 3, HP 36/36, Speed 30'
AC 25, Touch 14, Flat-footed 22, CMD 17, Fort 6, Ref 7, Will 9, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus +3, PP 4/4 , BE 0/5
Nano-Construct: [Bound] +1 Crystals of Radiance (+2 Bioenergy) +10 or +6/+6/+6/+6 (2d6+2, 19-20/x2, 50')
Nano-Construct: +1 'Dagger' (+1 Bioenergy) +8 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Nano-Construct: +1 Machinist's Powered Armor (+10 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 7
Condition Awake, Alert, Psionically Focused, Fast Healing 2
Spoiler: Nano-Constructs (Veils) Shaped