Tabaxi Ranger 4/Rogue 3
AC: 17 HP: 41/60 PP: 18 PIv: 12 PIs: 14
HD: 4/4d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Spell Slots, 1st: 3/3 LR
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Restrain: 2/3 Dawn

Seeing that the last doppelgänger is just an illusion, Leaf doesn't wait to catch his breath. He runs over to the woman he was talking to at the bar, dragging her out from under the table. Hopefully, she is still alive. He tries to stabilize her and calls out for Grok.

"Over here. Help me with her."

Spoiler: OOC
Stabilize: (1d20+1)[11]

Spoiler: notes
Commander Scar, Flaming Fist
Dabron Sashenstar, Merchant's League
Infiltrate the League's headquarters and investigate. Seek out any documents or people.
Ragefest, wizard
Abela, nymph
Ramazith, wizard that Ragefest doesn't trust.
Aldeth Sashenstar, Dabron's brother