Bjorn moves up and pushes past Signun, hacking at the lock that has been causing such frustration.

Signun switches his attention to the southern hallway, observing the frosted-over sleeping pallet before looking over the exotic foreign-looking arms and armour:

  • elven curved blade (serviceable but covered in rust),
  • masterwork warhammer (with a leering demonic face carved into the business end of its head.)
  • dwarven urgrosh,
  • trident (broken condition),
  • partial suit of banded mail (damaged beyond repair),
  • masterwork heavy steel shield (Rectangular heavy steel shield painted with four bronze scorpions on a crimson field, arranged around a bronze boss.).

Back at the locked door Freyja joins Bjorn, the two of the hacking away with axes. Eventually the door succumbs breaking apart and falling aside. Beyond is a chamber, seemingly an ancient storeroom of fine goods. Sealed amphora, intricate but decayed clothwork and crates of aged foodstuffs fill the room.

Spoiler: Map