Quote Originally Posted by BerzerkerUnit View Post
Changed everything last minute. Monk/Barbarian fusion "the mystic warrior" is in alpha. Hopefully will have something readable up by end of day.
erm. m. g. Just under the wire. Thank you all for creating an environment that got the ADHD cranking in the right direction.

Here's the link: Mystic Warrior

It's the Monk and Barbarian zipped together to create a warrior that fights using an altered mental state that unlocks seemingly supernatural powers. From there you can flavor it to taste getting Persian Immortal, Rifts Juicer, Shaolin Monk, Zulu Warrior, RRR super cop, Punch Out style boxer (although that was kind of full of stereotypes...) etc etc.

They're already trying to break monk away from its classic aesthetic, they should be doing the same with barbarian, so this is a chance to really jump to something multifunction.

Yes, that much competition for bonus actions is deliberate. The Altered State is the best part of rage, but out of combat insisting on maintaining it may not be the best choice.

Forgot to mention Spirit Points come back on a short rest. I'll update the pdf later.

Thanks again all and I would love feedback when possible.