Tabaxi Ranger 4/Rogue 3
AC: 17 HP: 41/60 PP: 18 PIv: 12 PIs: 14
HD: 4/4d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Spell Slots, 1st: 3/3 LR
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Restrain: 2/3 Dawn

Leaf helps the well-dressed woman to stand up, staying the perfect gentleman in doing so.

"No need to repay me, ma'am. Grok is right, you should stay with us until we can get you someplace safe. You'll be safer with us for now than here on your own. Is there any reason these doppelgängers would be after you specifically? I wonder why would they hire an escort if it was a trap."

He says the last part with curiosity, not in any way accusing the woman of being part of the plot.

Spoiler: OOC

Spoiler: notes
Commander Scar, Flaming Fist
Dabron Sashenstar, Merchant's League
Infiltrate the League's headquarters and investigate. Seek out any documents or people.
Ragefest, wizard
Abela, nymph
Ramazith, wizard that Ragefest doesn't trust.
Aldeth Sashenstar, Dabron's brother